Sunday, May 4, 2014

Flowers that make you laugh.....

Hermes Trismegistus: 
The true meaning of life. Well, to put it simply, just use each moment to be the best person you can be and have lots of fun doing it. Always bring the light of truth, love, and wisdom with you and you will move mountains...........<<<

As I am writing I am listening to a bird that sounds like LAUGHTER.....amazing. I have honestly never heard this bird before. It is a high pitched belly laugh.  So it only enforces what I want to write about which is a healing to the body and came easily in the Keegan household as a daughter to Grace and Percy, sister to Janette.

Since mum was a social person, yes a Gemini like myself, she loved being with others for a chat of gossip and a good laugh. She was also known to get up out of her seat and head for the piano either at home or in a local pub for a sing along. 
"Hey Grace, play that song we heard the other day...."
"Hum it to me so I can pick it up ...." said mum as she played by ear without a single musical lesson in her lifetime.
It was wonderful actually, as a kid, playing outside and someone would say "that's your mum playing on the piano, she sounds good...."  as Gracie pounded on the keys with the windows wide open.

When we emigrated to Cleveland Ohio in April of 1958 she brought her social life along. As some of her dearest friends decided to follow her and mum obliged with sponsoring and helping them get a good start on their new American journey. As the years went by the gatherings would get bigger and the laughter stronger. Only thing missing was the piano. She couldn't bring that on the Brittanic ocean liner and our house didn't house one. I guess the 'bar' took its place, as I think back on it. People would hang on to the bar telling jokes as merriment of fluids flowed and throats gurgled over the onslaught of adult beverages and off color jokes.

As I reflect in my garden walk I remember now the seeds I planted in my special patch. The Happy Flower seeds. Once blooming the perfume invaded your nostrils if you walked by and little chuckles of laughter would pop out of your mouth with uncontrollable spasms.  What fun.  Don't dare take your shoes off and walk in their soil or bend down to smell the different colored petals as you are likely to let out the most outrageous bellows of mirth from both ends of the spectrum of the human body.

Well this is my garden and I create what I want and there has to be a portion of it for Laughter alone.

In my Garden of Life I have met and known so many Happy Flowers. Don't need to name them I just know the joy they bring and uplift your dark moods either with a word, a hug or a bad joke but you end up laughing and soon the healing starts.

Master Hermes is can move mountains with Truth, Love and Wisdom and also Laughter....

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